Leon Louis cewel’na is a member of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band, Syilx Nation. Leon has committed his life’s work to uphold the love and respect of our traditions and worldviews of Indian people. These worldviews are the relationship between the Creator and the land and environment. He has knowledge of Syilx Okanagan Culture and practices the harvesting of Syilx Traditional foods and medicines. Leon is a Cultural Knowledge person who is invited to organize many different ceremonies throughout the Territories. With the Syilx Nation, he is an active member of the Okanagan Nation Critical Incident Response Team, Syilx Unity Youth Run, Indian Residential School Committee, Natural Resource and Fisheries Cultural support person and dedicated member and participant in the Annual Syilx Unity Canoe Trek. Leon travels and supports other Tribal initiatives and Ceremonies such as the Tribal Journey Canoe events where Indigenous Tribes throughout the world come and join in celebrating their cultures and languages in solidarity – on the water and throughout the beautiful lands.He generously shares his knowledge for the benefit of all.