The five governments who are the lead partners in The Columbia River Salmon Reintroduction Initiative agree to these principles and perspectives for collaboration and decision-making:
INDIGENOUS LEADERSHIP: We acknowledge that Indigenous communities and their leaders must be involved, engaged meaningfully and demonstrate a leadership role in collaborative efforts to reintroduce anadromous salmon to the Upper Columbia River system.
ONE COLUMBIA: We recognize the significance and interconnectedness of the Columbia River system as a whole and commit to using a coordinated approach for studying connections between various social-ecological components and anadromous salmon across their entire historic range.
APPLICATION OF STANDARDS: We recognize the importance of adhering to the application of standards in relation to the Initiative. The parties commit to ensuring that the assessment standards that apply to work under this Initiative will be mutually understood, where possible jointly developed, and applied consistently based upon already established standards agreed to by the Parties.
URGENCY: We recognize the imperative to act promptly, decisively, and without unreasonable delay to move forward with work related to the Initiative. The parties commit to taking key decisions and actions in a thoughtful, but time-sensitive manner, wherever possible.
RESPECT: We demonstrate consideration of and recognition for peoples, lands, languages, cultures, and diverse perspectives.
EQUITY: We understand that the activities and decisions related to this Initiative need to consider equity amongst the Parties affected by salmon reintroduction.
ACCOUNTABILITY: We take ownership and accept responsibility for making decisions and following up with the outcomes and impact of those decisions.
TRANSPARENCY: We take seriously our responsibility of fiscal openness in our decision-making while fulfilling our fiduciary responsibility to our respective governments. Open and honest communication within our organizational structure is essential.
TRUST: We believe that accountable and transparent leadership and actions will result in reliable, trustworthy and strong governance.
EXCELLENCE: We strive to pursue a high quality of performance through focused effort, informed decision making, and tangible outcomes.
UNITY: We fulfill our expectations through collaboration and commitment by working as a team.
INFORMED DECISION-MAKING: We identify, evaluate, and implement actions based on collaboration and consensus with the support of traditional and best available science, technical analysis and Indigenous knowledge.
RESILIENCE: We adapt the Initiative based on a thoughtful consideration of long-term needs in the midst of emerging and continuing challenges while remaining open to opportunities for innovation and collaboration in a timely and responsive manner.
INTEGRITY: We practice sincerity, legitimacy and candidness when making decisions.

World Water Day, Syilx Okanagan Nation. Photo: T Marshall for ONA