STUDY #1 Salmon Habitat Synthesis and Assessment Framework for the Upper Columbia River This report outlines a framework for understanding and assessing salmon habitats in the Canadian portion of the Columbia River. It contains seven sections: historical context, current habitat conditions, a habitat framework, synthesis of habitats, assessment approaches, recommendations, and a glossary. The report does not provide quantitative information on specific habitats due to limited data, but serves as a foundation for future data collection. It prioritizes Indigenous knowledge in the efforts to restore Pacific Salmon to the upper Columbia River in Canada, benefiting the ecosystem and local communities. | |
STUDY #2 Phase 1 Plan for Experimental Reintroduction of Anadromous Salmon into Upper Columbia River: Proposed Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation The Phase 1 Reintroduction Plan, or Pilot Plan, assesses the feasibility of reintroducing salmon to the Canadian Columbia River basin. It evaluates locations, donor stocks, and studies, focusing on Spring Chinook Salmon, Summer/Fall Chinook Salmon, and Sockeye Salmon. Two strategies are proposed: a “stepping stone” approach and a “diversified” strategy. | |
STUDY #2 Phase 2 Pilot Plan for Experimental Reintroduction of Anadromous Salmon into Upper Columbia River: Proposed Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation This report focuses on planning for the reintroduction of anadromous salmon in the Canadian portion of the upper Columbia River. It highlights the importance of developing a Population Viability Model with measured, species-specific lifecycle inputs acquired through directed studies to assess reintroduction feasibility. Pilot studies for Chinook Salmon include tracking tagged adults and genetic sampling. For Sockeye Salmon, efforts focus on upstream areas and include raising juvenile fish and studying survival. Ongoing updates and community engagement are emphasized. NOTE: Two expanded appendices accompany this report, at the links below. | |
Phase 2: Appendix A – Population Viability Assessments | |
Phase 2: Appendix B – Directed Studies | |
STUDY #3 Risk and Benefit Assessment of a Multi-year Salmon Reintroduction to the Upper Columbia River This report addresses the importance of reintroducing anadromous salmon to the Upper Columbia River and outlines potential ecological impacts and risks. It focuses on a risk and benefit assessment framework for salmon reintroduction, considering multiple aspects such as predator-prey relationships, disease risk, competition with native species, and potential contamination. The report emphasizes a precautionary approach, careful risk assessment, and mitigation planning. The framework is adaptable for future reintroduction strategies. The report identifies knowledge gaps and recommends research. The goal is to inform a comprehensive salmon reintroduction plan, focusing on Indigenous needs and ecosystem benefits. The report reflects a screening-level tool to prioritize risks and facilitate a well-informed salmon reintroduction process in the Upper Columbia River. | |
STUDY #4 Movement and Habitat Use of Adult Chinook Salmon Reintroduced to the Transboundary Reach of the Columbia River, Canada *Report being finalized for publication. |