Bringing the Salmon Home
Syilx Okanagan Nation, Secwépemc Nation and Ktunaxa Nation youth are both an integral and necessary tributary to the river that will bring our salmon home. Without them, our salmon will remain barricaded and separate. Bringing the Salmon Home Outreach & Engagement Organizers are working within each Nation. We hear the voices from many of our young people offering powerful dreams of what bringing our salmon home truly means. Our youth are innovators and the seers of what is possible.
The Bringing the Salmon Home Organizing Team has begun planning a youth gathering August 19-23, 2022 at the headwaters of the Columbia River. The purpose of this gathering is to bring young people ages 18-29 years together from our respective Nations to offer a space to express what it means to be a Salmon Warrior by offering workshops and on-the-land and by-the-water experiences.
f you are a Nation member between the age of 18-29 years and are interested in participating in this gathering, please click here to download, fill out, and EMAIL the registration form to the Bringing the Salmon Home Outreach & Engagement Organizer for your Nation:
Syilx Okanagan Nation: Carrie Terbasket |
Ktunaxa Nation: Troy D. Hunter |
Secwépemc Nation: Valerie Michel |